Hetalia 2011

Hetalia 2011
Click Meh

Whos coming/Census


Country and Costume: Umm... D-Do I need one?

Are you coming via public transportation: My sister's car?

What you are bringing for picnic: Cookies

Attendees (how we can contact you online):
CookiesForTheNeko @ Youtube.com
mikasaki @ Tinierme.com

Added notes: will bring sister and 2 year old niece, and maybe a friend



Country and Costume: Spain or England as pirates or normal outfits (undecided)

Are you coming via public transportation: Walking or parents' car

What are you bringing for the picnic:  cookies, food if possible

How we can contact you online: This site or http://www.youtube.com/user/DeathTheKimiko?feature=mhee

Added notes: Will be bringing little sister (6), who is coming as either chibimano or Sealand, which also somewhat depends on who I will come as

Country and Costume: (Possibly America)
Are you coming via public transportation: My friend's car(Maybe)
What you are bringing for picnic: Chips
Attendees (how we can contact you online): BTTBadTouchTrio@live.com



Country and Costume: None

Are you coming via public transportation: Mother's car

What you are bringing for picnic: Main Dish

Attendees (how we can contact you online):

Im bringing my mother.


Country and costume: Halloween Prussia

My mom is driving

Bringing Ho Ho's, Ding Dong's and Twinkees

Attendees: Me, my mom, my frien

avengingroyalty@yahoo.com (Nikki)

Total Number of possible Antendees This Year (including friends of atendees and parents) :

9 (ten if my mom comes)

I can understand how hard it might be to earn permission from parents, when its an event that has been organized online. 2 people are saying they will bring their mothers, just in case your own moms ask what adults will be there.

What we have for the event:

Ding dongs
A main dish
